Saturday, February 7, 2009

Churches hold Darwin conference - What nonsense

A group of churches in Oxford is hosting a conference to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of scientist Charles Darwin. I could not believe this when I read it. Church and evolution, God and Darwin. It is blasphamis

The event seeks commemorate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwins book "the Origin of Species", on the theory of evolution. But hey, I thought the origin of Species is explained in the bible, in Genesis. "In the beginning God Created ..."

Organiser reverend Tim Stead said it wanted to explore the relationship between science and religion. I am not disputing any relationship between science and religion. But when that science is purely circumstantial, at best, theoretical and seeks to do away with God. How can the two meet.

He said evolution was one of the "most influential scientific ideas ever". Well he is totally wrong there. Evolution might be influential, but then so was Hitler and Nazism, but it is not scientific at all.

Reverend Tim Stead said: "It impacts on our entire understanding of the world. I can't believe this trash. Our understanding of the world needs to have the creator of that world as its basis, that being God.

The Reverend, I cringe when I say that, said: "One of our aims in holding this conference is to go some way towards redressing the impression that some of the general public have that Christians are anti-science and anti-Darwin." Hey I am not anti-science. I am anti evolution, anti Darwin. Christianity and evolution cannot co-exist. The one says says God created us all, the entire universe, the other goes totally against God, leaves him out, and says we evolved out of a pool of muck.

"This is a chance to set the record straight and to explore how it is possible for faith to sit alongside Darwins views," he said. What a load of tripe. How can one have faith in God, and sit alongside Darwin. Who's theories totally disregard the Bible and God.

Can a Christian really believe in evolution and call himself a Christian? Its like black and white. You telling me you believe the Bible, and Believe God wrote the Bible, but only up to a point because some nut head thinks he is better than God, knows more than God, and knows how the world began.

I think it is a load of cods wallop.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you do actually believe that an entity clicked his fingers and we all appeared on this planet...I find that very narrow minded, but if it make you feel better and gives you a direction in life then that's fine...I just find it funny :-)

Robert Bravery said...

If you can to make contrary comment, the least you can do is supply your name.
Anyway, God did not click His finger, He spoke the world into existence.
Is believing that any different than believing an unproven Big Bang theory, which there are many versions of, or believing that you evolved from a primordial cesspool of muck and protein.
It all depends on your world view. Believing in evolution take s more Faith than believing in God and Creation.

Anonymous said...

I'll go with scientific thought over the 2,000 year old hallucinations any day.


Anonymous said...

Name has been provided...well, my first name :-)
Evolution is all around us, just take a look and you will see, all living things (insects, animals, plants etc) adapt or die and that's been happening since time began billions of years ago.

Robert Bravery said...

hats Adaptation, not evolution. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that proves one species evolved into another. There is no scientific evidence that proves how a reptile can evolve into a bird. Their biological make-up is just too different. How does a fish develop lungs without dying?

That's just the problem, Evolution is not scientific, its just as much of a religion as any. You need just as much, if not more faith.
In both Evolution and belief in God, you have to make certain assumptions. Those assumptions cannot be proven scientifically, therefore it is believed by faith.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, I have to make a point, the fact that organisms developed and eveolved with wings limbs beaks sensory perception instinct migratory included blky legs where there was no real need for wings as there were no predators except when the precious holy entity called MAN came along, sorry, but it is scientifically proven, the point about a being called God speaking is not proven at all just becuas eit is handed down, that started when everyone beleived the world was flat and we would fall off it, we know now that it is not true, we did not eveolve out of a heap of muck, we evolved out of gases, explosions, stars colliding and luckily enough, massive cataclysmic collisions with our belved planet, wiping out the dinosaurs and enabling other life forms to develop. I have to say I am sorry that it is not true, as it would be a wonderful thing if it was, there is nothing divine only a book of letters, stories and sayings from some people way back in time, albeit with all the best inentions, but when I read this booand it tells you to follow and beleive even if you are a slave, thenthat is when I start to question the whole thing, years ago the catholic church did not allow people to read the bible, something they called pearls before swine, well, its 2009, and we know better now, Thank god, (sorry bout that)
Simon the Pieman Goldtoken RB discussion board

Anonymous said...

"Evolution is not scientific"
I wouldn't expect anything else from someone in the religious world. You probably heard it from some Bible College "scientist".


Robert Bravery said...


You have to wonder why They call it The "Theory" of evolution.
And no, I did not here it from Bible college scientist. Why do you think that a Christian cannot be a scientist, or a scientist cannot be a Christian. This kind of statement shows your ignorance.
In fact I have studied a great deal on evolution.
I would ask that you offer one shadow of proof. Example, give me one ounce of proof that the big bang even existed, that it caused the whole universe. To make a theory fact, it has to be proven in a scientific setting, in a lab. So far, no one can actually prove this. There is bits and pieces of evidence. For example the fossil record. All this tells us is that these creatures existed.

If you believe that I have no scientific backing, lets have a scientific debate. You start off by showing me a scientific experiment that proves the big bang

Anonymous said...

I rest my case.
