Rather (save us from man's imperfection) religious or not, its men who get this stuff all
whacky, it is nothing to do with religion whatsoever. Man is and always has been flawed and or imperfect. Christ made it clear in scripture, the 12 apostles he chose to build his church sinned, we are to follow Jesus to the best of our ability, but we can never lead Christ, His apostle Peter tried it once and Jesus (with love) said, get behind me Satan. (there is more to that verse then that but...).
So, for you guessing at the core beliefs of any church is unfair to the church or religion and yourself. Example:
The Catholic Church goes by the following principles:
It is the "action" of a person with "same sex attraction" and or a (homosexual) that God will judge, not the very temptation or the nature of a person.
For example, if a girl is attracted to girls but she restrains herself from the actual behaviour that goes with that desire, then she is as pure as any heterosexual who refrains from fornication.
"Hetero"-sexuals that commit adultery and or fornicate are most likely every bit as sinful as someone who has sex with the same sex (there can be other impacts on this to deep for this discussion).
As Christians we can not judge nor can we think we know the greater of two serious sins and how they measures up to one another, i.e. masturbation verses homosexual acts? One might think, for sure homosexual acts are a greater sin, but we don't know this for sure and it is flawed to think we know. My religion teaches against this type of judgement.
With that said, anyone who is truly remorseful for a sin and ask sincerely
for forgiveness, will be forgiven, something we can thank Jesus and His awesome sacrifice He did for us.
As I say, the Catholic Church does not discriminate against people with "same sex attraction" or if you prefer the term "heterosexual" more or less than, lets say a person who steals something from the supermarket, BUT, it does consider the act of stealing or "sex with the same sex" a sin and would encourage the sinner to reconcile with God.
Greg Hill
Deca Durabolin
3 years ago
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