On Sunday, Jacob Zuma addressed the Rehma congregation from the Puplit of the Rehma Church. Afterword Ray McCauley prayed for him.
What I find most disturbing, is not the fact that Zuma attended church, for I myself pray for him that he might be saved and find a bible believing church to attend, but that McCauley gave him opportunity to address the congregation from the pulpit.
Rhema, which claims to be a Bible church, seems, in this case, not to follow the Bible. Where it clearly teaches that there is separation of state. If you want to use your church as apolitical platform, don't call yourself a Bible church.
If Zuma came to our church, I would treat him just the same as I would treat anybody. They are a sinner in need of salvation, and if they are saved through faith by Jesus Christ, then they are still sinners, saved by grace. This goes for the Pope, Zuma, Obama, or the man in the street. God is no respector of persons. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
The second thing is, if I would give Zuma opportunity to speak from our pulpit, as though he is an authority in our church, I would make sure of a few things.
Is he Saved?
Is he Leading a Christian Life?
What Doctrine does he hold too?
Are they the same as we hold in our church?
Does he believe the Bible?
What is his Biblical Interpretation like?
Has he proven himself a spritual leader, a lover of God and Jesus, and the Gospel?
Does he have humility?
The list can goes on.
Jacob Zuma has demonstrated that he is none of these, and it would seem that he is just trying to garner political support. I believe that if Christ was present, he would have delt with Ray McCauley as he delt with the Pharisees and Sadducees in His time.
When McCauley, prayed for Zuma, did he actually pray for his salvation? I don;t see that mentioned anywhere. Isn't our mission as a church to present the Gospel to all, not a platform for political showmanship. Yes, we must pray for our Government and its leaders, but surely McCauley could have mentioned that himself. He shouldn't need Zuma to do it.
This act just confirms my belief that Ray McCauley is not Biblical in his belief. Ray MCCauley's Love for money and power at the expense of biblical doctrine is testimony to his so called Christianity. But then again, who am I to Judge, God alone knows.
I pray for Zuma, that he gets saved. I pray for Ray McCauley, that he too repents and if he is not saved, that he asks Jesus to save him. I pray that his eyes might be open and that he sees the truth in the Bible.
Perhaps McCauley should read 1Timothy, and Titus 1.
Ray McCauley, since you invite anybody to your pulpit, irrespective of their faith or belief, I would like the opportunity to address your church as well.
2Ti 4:1-2(1) I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;(2) Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.